It seems like the entire world is just living for Instagram Stories right now. Are you running your campaigns properly, though? As with all modern social media advertising decisions, sometimes doing it wrong can do way more harm than not doing it at all!
Fortunately, Zebra 360 Online Marketing are here to make sure you pitch your Instagram Stories campaign perfectly- and see the results to prove it.
1. Are You Picture Perfect?
Instagram has always been a super visual platform. It’s forever ingrained in our imaginations as the platform of pretty food and even prettier models.
This has set superlatively high standards for the images you showcase on the platform, and the faster-scrolling nature of Instagram Stories doesn’t take that away. Bad quality pictures – be it simple mistakes like poor photo quality, or more subtle issues like styling your photo of choice poorly, ignoring the basic rules of artful photography or confusing the viewer – can tank your campaign totally. So, it’s worth investing a little time and effort in producing beautiful, high-quality content.
2. There’s Cute, And Then There’s Just Plain Kitsch
It’s true that Instagram tends to attract a younger audience than some other social media campaigns – but be careful that you don’t drown out the voice of your brand by going overboard with the ‘cuter’ Instagram Stories features.
Copious use of stickers, GIFs and polls can harm your image as a serious brand – even if your vibe is generally funky and young – and impart a juvenile feel to your content. Even worse, it can make the viewer view you as unprofessional and amateur – and the last people they’d be interested in trusting.
3. Do Your Clients Need Reading Glasses to Catch Your Drift?
Always remember Instagram Stories’ visual nature.
Try to let your images tell the story, rather than pack them full of excessive copy. A little can go a long way – a lot will just make people squint and skip the post.
4. Perhaps They Aren’t Getting The Message at All?
Keep in mind the different devices your media may be displayed on, and try to plan your content so it caters well for them all.
Copy which cuts off looks awkward at best – and can inadvertently carry a very different message if caught at an unfortunate place. Remember the notorious ‘Starbucks’ van that proudly proclaimed ‘Sucks’ with the door open? Not sizing your copy correctly may well land you and your brand in similar hot water.
5. Keep the content flowing
Even if you’re crafting the perfect Instagram Stories posts, you won’t get the results you want unless you’re posting frequently. Currently, the best post rate for Instagram Stories seems to be hovering at one quality post a day to maintain interaction and visibility, so ensure you’re posting consistently and with a clear content curation plan in mind.
Instagram Stories is a hugely valuable addition to any social media plan, so make sure you are producing content that fosters the right brand image to boost your campaigns. Remember, if you need expert advice on managing your social media strategies, Zebra 360 Online Marketing is always at hand to help.