Spring Has Sprung – But Has Your Advertising? Spring is a hopeful season, when the world wakes up from the long drag of winter and life starts to look hopeful again. The key question, of course, is if your brand management is doing the same?

Spring offers a perfect opportunity for fresh and eye-catching content to revitalise your brand – and here are Zebra 360 Online Marketing’s top tips for perfect spring advertising to match.

1. Add Vibrancy to Your Campaigns

Remember, this is the season where everything starts springing to life. It’s the perfect time for marketing. After a long drag through cold winter, people are full of energy and enthusiasm. Let your marketing efforts speak to that- match the season with vibrant colours and a theme of renewal and revitalization.

2. Focus on ‘Renewal’ As a General Theme

Is it time for a new website? Are you about to introduce a new feature to your app or online store, or launch a brand new product? Spring is the perfect time. Let the spirit of renewal work for you and use it as the perfect launch point for some new advertising advantages.

3. Unity and Togetherness

Harness the hopeful vibe of the season in your favour. Spring makes you feel energetic and positive- make sure your advertising reflects the same sensations. Bring people together [in person where possible] through meetups, workshops, relevant industry events and special sales and promotions. Encourage a sense of unity around your brand. This is the perfect time for a new pitch, and you never quite know what capitalising on those connections may bring.

4. Don’t Forget to Be a Little Grateful

No great brand gets that way without its supporters and clients. Re-engage with people who look favourably on your brand with a little gratitude and kindness – you’ll never go wrong and it will encourage them to keep coming back.

5. The Weather’s Looking Great- Get It on Your Side

No one can miss the changes in the weather – and they’re all looking fabulous. The renewed atmosphere brings on inspiration and a longing for a new start. Be it travel, image, weight loss or anything else… Great weather makes people want to get up and tackle their goals again. Let your content strategy tell the same story, and you’ll be onto a winner.

Spring is in the air, and it’s time to give your media campaigns a good spring cleaning too. If you’re keen to boost your content strategy to brand new heights, be sure to get in contact with the Zebra 360 Online Marketing team today.