Looking For Effortless Facebook Engagement? Try These 7 Top Tips To Boost Your Profile in 2019

Facebook remains one of the world’s largest social networks, with over 2 billion active users. That sounds great- but the Zebra 360 Online Marketing team know it can be intimidating trying to build an audience or boost meaningful engagement from scratch on this mega-platform.

To make your life as a social marketer easier, we’ve assembled a handy guide to help you boost your engagement and make a success of your Facebook marketing strategies this year.

1.     Make It Attractive To The Eye

By now it has been solidly established that posts with images get shared considerably more than those without. In fact, stats suggest the engagement is over 650% more! While self-generated content is always great, there’s also a plethora of classy royalty-free image sites you can use to add pep to your posts. Just be sure to keep the image used relevant to the post itself, to avoid presenting yourself as spammy and click-hunting.

There’s also something even better than images- and that’s video. Video is fast overtaking all other media types as the way to increase engagement, so don’t be afraid to shine. It can be pricier than other options, but often the ROI is well worth it.

2. Don’t Forget Worthwhile Existing Content

There’s nothing wrong in repurposing existing content to further your reach, either. Just make sure the topic is evergreen and relevant. Giving a little love to older content provides a second chance for people who didn’t see it the first time to click, like and love. Leverage posts that have had good traffic in the past to help bring overall interest to your page.

Third-party content, reposted by your page, can also help generate user interest and encourage conversation. It has the added benefit of taking some of the content-production weight off of your shoulders, too.

3. Ask For Direct Engagement

The Facebook polling system offers content creators a fantastic way to directly solicit relevant engagement- and gather valuable data to help your future efforts while doing so. It’s a simple way for the consumer to interact with you, too… and the more effortless your engagement can be, the more of it you will see.

Aside from polls, you can also end other content posts with a question that encourages interaction and attention. Keep it focused on the content you’re posting, however, and avoid controversial topics like religion and politics- but use it as a smart way to ‘open the floor’ to user interaction.

4. Don’t Forget Facebook Stories

While sometimes overshadowed by Instagram Stories, Facebook stories offer a similar methodology, and it’s a great way to reposition yourself in front of your key audience. Facebook stories are temporary posts, active for 24 hours, and can showcase a variety of interactive media. They’re a great way to keep your brand front and centre of your audience’s attention.

5. Be Receptive and Engaged

If you aren’t replying to comments, questions and other interactions, then what incentive do users have to interact with you? Make sure you are active and engaged with your audience, and pay attention to their thoughts and feedback.

It can help tremendously if you know when your posts are likely to be most active, too. Be sure to use data meaningfully to determine the right time to post (or use a helper app) and make sure you time your posts to engage with the bulk of your audience.

6. Let Your Fans Know You Care

Host a giveaway. Share their content. Post pictures from happy customers. Do what you can to foster the idea that you’re a receptive, open brand who appreciates its supporters. If customers feel valued and cared for, they will return to your content (and your brand) above competitors.

You can also leverage a classic human weakness- fear of missing out- to help your brand receive better engagement. Live streaming offers a fantastic way to invite people to log on at a specific time, or miss out… and forever wonder what they missed.

Above all, however, keep it authentic. This goes double if you’re reaching for a millennial or younger audience. Don’t pack your posts with brain-numbing jargon and formal industry terms. Keep it fresh and real, and write like you remember the human behind the screen.

7. Bypass The Limits of Organic Reach

It’s sad, but the days of being able to reach your intended audience ‘fairly’ through organic reach are dying. Smart use of properly targeted ads will help your content reach new audiences relatively painlessly, and should be a part of any engagement strategy.

You can also leverage existing sources of engagement off of Facebook to drive traffic to your Facebook presence. Add a click-through link to your successful blog posts, newsletters and more to encourage fans to reach out and enjoy your page. What’s even better, is this can become the gift that keeps on giving. Every time the newsletter goes out, or Google leads a curious soul to your page, that same link can bring you more engagement.

And there you have it! Each of these strategies can help you boost Facebook engagement and keep your brand fresh, live and interesting. Even better, they’re all pretty effortless to implement, too.

Always remember that the Zebra 360 Online Marketing team are here to help you get the very best social media marketing for your brand, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us today if you’re brand needs a little assistance with its Facebook marketing strategies.