How to Integrate Email Marketing and Social Media- Seamlessly
While email marketing once slipped from prominence as the go-to digital marketing choice, it’s had a renaissance in the last few years. Today, a seamless, personalised email campaign that reinforces and supports your social media marketing efforts is an essential tool in any online marketing campaign. That’s why the Zebra 360 Digital Marketing team is here to help you better understand and integrate these two key facets of your marketing efforts.
The Holistic Picture
Social media marketing is no longer something to view as a separate marketing effort, but rather something you integrate with other online presences you have. Email marketing, with its immense potential to reach customers through a different, private channel that you can personalise to suit their needs, offers a critical point of contact that can be used to enhance your marketing efforts and better leverage the impact of your socials. So resist the urge to view these two cornerstones of online marketing as ‘either/or’ choices. Instead, it’s time to get them working as a holistic whole.
What Benefits do Integrated Campaigns Have?
What will this holistic strategy bring you? Let’s take a look
Enhanced Metrics
We know that data is king. When your email marketing is working towards the same goals as your social media marketing, your readers can share developments more easily. Additionally, you have a better chance of getting opens and click-through through your tailored email efforts, leading to better conversions and ROI
Boost Subscribers
Word of mouth remains a great way to build your brand- and email marketing lets you bring novel content that generates conversations to the table. Plus, you can use your social channels to enhance email signups. That’s a win-win right there.
Acknowledge Your Supporters
When you follow your email readers and conversions, you can better track who’s interacting with your brand regularly. This means you can offer them exclusive perks and other goodies to make them feel special, cementing their brand loyalty.
Encourage New Interactions
Leveraging diverse platforms allows you to reach out to new prospects and entice customers to reenter the sales funnel and engage with them. Active social media lets you reach out and interact on a personal level and present snippets of information fast. Email lets you cultivate a deeper relationship and a one-on-one source of interaction. Together, that’s a powerful use of multi-channel advertising that’s better than one or the other.
Stay Active and Visible
Email is, however, a very ‘quiet’ marketing presence. Perhaps your subscribers are also very active on their socials. When they have wider choices of platform through which to experience your brand, you encourage them to feel comfortable interacting with you.
Amplify Your Message
At the same time, you’re greatly boosting your reach and brand presence in their life. A message that may have only sparked some intrigue using one or the other can become full-blown Fear of Missing Out, encouraging them to buy from you. You can even look at rewarding email subscribers who interact with your brand through creating special social hangouts for them, again leveraging FOMO to help your brand.
Doing Email Integration Right
So how do you get this powerful duo working for you? There’s many different strategies you can use, but here’s a few examples.
Share Subscriber Lists
Most social media platforms allow you to upload your email subscriber lists. This helps you gather more data- and put names and faces to the email addresses- that can be vital in your marketing efforts. You can even follow key subscribers, learning more about what matters to them.
Invite Signups
You can leverage an email campaign to encourage social signups and vice versa. Not only does this allow consumers to interact with you in the way that feels best for them, but it also helps grow your overall subscriber numbers. It’s also a great way to build rapport with your customer base.
Use Incentives and Rewards
People like to feel special and wanted, not merely a number on a page. When you combine your marketing strategies, you have greater potential to engage and reward your audience, incentivise shares, and offer them what matters most to them about your business.
Encouraging Cross-Traffic
Facebook allows you to embed an email signup form in your online social presence. The easier an action is for consumers to take, the more likely it is to be successful. On the other side, you can add your social links to your email marketing, again making it a seamless one-click process for them.
Smart Retargeting
The data you get from your social media marketing should also give you a strong idea of who exits your sales funnel before completion, where, and why. This allows you to use email to retarget what interests them most, and hopefully get them back into the funnel seamlessly and without feeling spammy or repetitive.
Use Giveaways Productively
People love freebies! A smartly integrated campaign can turn a contest or giveaway into the ideal lead-generation powerhouse, especially as email is an opt-in marketing method that shows they’re willing to hear from you.
In the modern marketing era, it makes no sense to limit yourself on reach, audience, or marketing methods. When you work smartly, using your email marketing to enhance social marketing and vice versa, you create a wealth of opportunities for your business.
Still not sure how to get started? Remember that the expert team at Zebra 360 Digital Marketing Agency has all the tools and experience you need to build your brand further, so why not get in touch today?